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Knitted Minions!

Knitted Minions by Nia Griffiths Hair, Cardiff

Anyone who knows we well knows that I LOVE to knit! As part of Innocent Smoothies campaign to make little hats for their drinks, I decided to knit a few and was thrilled to hear them loved my hats! Specifically my minion hats – really cute! They want to use them as part of their campaign with credit so I couldn’t be happier! Hopefully I’ll get to post all of my photos online so that you can see what I’ve been up to when I’m not making everyone look gorgeous!


Wacky Hairstyles in “On my head video”

On My Head Charity Collection by Nia Griffiths Hair, Cardiff

I completed 6 months of wacky hairstyles and headgear! I’m so pleased that I managed to find something to wear every day from client, friend and family donations and of course all the donations made in the process! Thank you so much everyone. This meant so much to me!

I’ve created a video of every style I wore – enjoy!

I’m wearing these wacky hats to support my sister through cancer

Nia Griffiths Hair On My Head Charity Project

I wore a different headpiece every day for 6 months to support my sister and her battle with breast cancer. I’m matching the time she will go through chemotherapy with wacky hairstyles, hats and all kinds of paraphernalia on top of my head. I’ve called my endeavour “On my head be it”! Here’s my news story with Wales Online.

Nia Hair Charity Project

Wearing a different wacky headpiece every day for 6 months in aid of breast cancer awareness